На первом этапе в модернизацию находящегося под управлением Latvijas Gaze уникального и крупнейшего в регионе Инчукалнского подземного хранилища газа (ПХГ) в Латвии планируется вложить 89,7 млн.
Ирина Папакуле, юрист Юридического бюро INLAT PLUS, 11.10.2010. версия для печати Вопрос: Скажите, какой порядок получения лицензий для коммерческих грузовых перевозок (лицензия голубого цвета)?
Zbignevs Stankevics was ordained as the new metropolitan archbishop of the Archdiosese of Riga on August 8 in a ceremony at Riga Dome Cathedral which was attended by several bishops of the Roman ...
Компания «ITERA Latvija» первое частное предприятие национальной экономики, связанное с природным газом — одним из важнейших для страны энергоресурсов, учреждено в ноябре 1996 года (рег. № 50003317361 ...
Nord Stream started today the first of two all-important underwater tie-ins of its second gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea. In this complex two-week-long offshore operation, two of the pipeline's ...
Ольга Павук, Dr.oec, главный редактор, Baltic-course.com. Рига., 19.04.2021. версия для печати Вспомнив историю завода ВЭФ, логичной кажется публикация еще одного сюжета, уходящего своими корнями в 90 ...
This is it, my friends! It happened! We finally found someone willing to take over and continue our business. In the year of our 25th anniversary, in June – precisely the month the first ever issue of ...
As with many apparently private companies in China, the chain of command in the proposed financing scheme of an undersea tunnel between Tallinn and Helsinki may run back to the Chinese central ...
Bank of Lithuania imposed the fine of EUR 370 thousand on the electronic money institution Paysera LT for infringements of the Republic of Lithuania Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and ...
The environmental management company SIA Eco Baltia vide has opened a new tire recycling plant in Latvia, which is projected to recycle at least 6,500 tons of tires collected in Estonia and Latvia ...
Elme Messer Gaas, joint venture of Estonian company BLRT and Messer Group of Germany, is about to set up an air separation plant for the production of liquefied gases in the territory of Special ...