In collaboration with the Tsuji Culinary Institute in Osaka, David Bouley's Brushstroke offers traditional Japanese multi-course cuisine for the Tribeca area. The basic foundation of a traditional ...
Exiting a tunnel under the Kitayamazaki Cliffs reveals a hidden cove that seems like something out of a fantasy tale. As we emerged from the coastal forest onto a large chunk of granite known as ...
Although almost all inexpensive ramen uses a soy-sauce-based soup, Fuku-no-Ken breaks the mold and serves up its piping hot ramen bowls with tonkotsu ramen. Just a hop, skip and a jump away from ...
This full-course, balanced breakfast meal will leave your stomach feeling full—as you would expect from a three-star Michelin restaurant in Kyoto.
Are you a cat or a dog? Japan has several ways to describe a person's personalities based on animalistic behaviors. You might even be a penguin!
As the heat and humidity drop and the leaves start to change color in Japan, there’s almost poetry in the air. Autumn is the season of the arts! Come with us on a journey to Akita Prefecture to see an ...
日本的第一大佛,见过的人不少,就是位于奈良东大寺的“卢舍那佛”,简称“奈良大佛”。这是扶桑最大的青铜佛像,高约15米。建于奈良时代(8世纪),是圣武天皇时期为祈求国家安宁而 ...
日本的文化很大程度上受到了中国的影响。在日本选购礼品时,如果礼品既有浓厚的日本特色、又能从中看见中华文化的影子,想必这会是一个绝佳的选择。从这个角度讲,有田烧就是绝佳的 ...
伊势地区常以伊势神宫而文明与此,除此之外,风景如画,可口美食,同样也是伊势招徕游人的招牌。现在只要买一张近铁通券,就可以从大阪出发,开始伊势之旅。 既然来到日本,就不得不去 ...