Exiting a tunnel under the Kitayamazaki Cliffs reveals a hidden cove that seems like something out of a fantasy tale. As we emerged from the coastal forest onto a large chunk of granite known as ...
從歷史脈絡來看,布施曾是交通規劃中的重要據點,其便利性至今仍無可取代——近鐵與大阪地鐵的交會,使得旅人無論前往京都或奈良都十分便捷。如此優越的地理條件,加上商店街獨有的人情味與懷舊感,正是讓「SEKAI HOTEL」決定在此扎根的關鍵理由!
1990年創業的山口油屋福太郎推出的「めんべい (menbei) 」可說是福岡伴手禮的定番。使用北海道馬鈴薯,明太子、花枝、章魚等原料做成的仙貝,不論是混入福岡名產明太子的長年暢銷款,一打開包裝就有很香的魚介味道,會讓人忍不住一片接著一片吃。此外 ...
「めんべい(Menbei)」是明太子,花枝,章鱼为原料做成的仙贝。与一般的仙贝不同的地方是,辣味明太子刚入口有点辣,但第二口第三口的奶油味就会中和口中的刺激感,吃起来变得很顺口。这款福冈机场限定的明太奶油口味仙贝,一打开包装就有很香的鱼介 ...
This full-course, balanced breakfast meal will leave your stomach feeling full—as you would expect from a three-star Michelin restaurant in Kyoto.
In collaboration with the Tsuji Culinary Institute in Osaka, David Bouley's Brushstroke offers traditional Japanese multi-course cuisine for the Tribeca area. The basic foundation of a traditional ...
Are you a cat or a dog? Japan has several ways to describe a person's personalities based on animalistic behaviors. You might even be a penguin!
As the heat and humidity drop and the leaves start to change color in Japan, there’s almost poetry in the air. Autumn is the season of the arts! Come with us on a journey to Akita Prefecture to see an ...
Shizuoka is famous for it’s tea and the green rows of tea plantations make for a striking location from which to see Mt. Fuji. I was sure Mt. Fuji was stalking us. One minute, it was looming on our ...
日本的啤酒种类繁多,很多啤酒在自己的广告中都起用了人气明星。有些明星英俊潇洒,有些明星稳重老成;有的广告磅礴大气,有的广告富含人生哲理。欣赏几则制作精良的广告,也是一大乐事哦。 来日本以后发现日本人真的很喜欢喝啤酒,吃烤肉的时候大家 ...
就像是一間美術館般吸引所有人親近的餐廳,讓人充滿綠意、並感受到自然的氣息。IVY PLACE位於時尚聖地的代官山,是許多人都會刻意假日早起拜訪的名店。店內的裝潢除了像是學生餐廳的長型桌椅還有令人放鬆的沙發區。光是早餐就相當地豐富,綜合沙拉 ...