At least two people were confirmed dead after two small planes collided midair on Wednesday at the Marana Regional Airport in the US state of Arizona. At least two people were confirmed dead after two ...
A tragic midair collision at Marana Regional Airport, Arizona, on February 19, 2025, led to the deaths of both pilots. The collision involved two small planes. FAA and NTSB are investigating ...
OHSP350F光谱闪烁照度计灯具频闪测试仪 紫外辐照度计紫外光纤光谱仪UV杀菌灯测试仪OHSP350UV 微型光纤光谱仪OHSP250P 虹谱光色 虹谱光色HPCS-300超微型光纤光谱仪 OHSP660光谱反射率测试仪 材料透过率反射率检测仪 OHSP350FA相机闪光灯氙灯激光检测仪光谱闪光灯测试仪 ...
据报道,这起飞机相撞事件发生在19日早上8点半左右,地点在亚利桑那州土桑(Tucson)西北边郊区的马拉纳地区机场(Marana Regional Airport)附近。 相撞时两架飞机正处于“12号跑道上风处” ,而12号跑道是这个小型区域机场的两条跑道之一。 据美国联邦航空管理局称 ...