Microsoft has officially announced the retirement of its pioneering Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service, Skype, set ...
Microsoft is retiring the once popular Skype communications app as the company transitions more toward the Microsoft Team platform. The company says Skype will be shutting down in May 2025 and is ...
Microsoft announced Friday that it will be shutting down the messaging service Skype on May 5. The software company, CNBC reported, is directing Skype users to its Teams app.
3月1日,微软正式宣布将关闭Skype,这款基于互联网的语音和视频通话服务,曾是2000年代中期最流行的远程沟通工具。 微软在X(前Twitter)上确认,Skype将从今年5月起“停止服务”。该公司还表示,用户的登录信息将在“未来几天”内可用于Microsoft Teams的免费版本。 Skype的关闭距离微软以85亿美元现金收购该服务已过去14年。这笔交易当时是微软历史上最大的一次收购。微软随 ...
当地时间2月28日,微软宣布,为了简化免费消费者通信产品,以便能更轻松地适应客户需求,旗下的全球网络通话服务Skype将从5月5日起停止服务。3月1日,南都记者从微软官方网站获悉,Skype核心功能将逐步转移至微软开发的免费应用程序Teams,过渡期 ...
An era for Skype is coming to an end for one of the oldest online communications programs marked by Microsoft's ...
Microsoft has officially announced plans to discontinue Skype, the once-dominant video communication platform that once ...
Microsoft has announced that the end is near for Skype after over two decades as it wants Teams to be its forefront video conferencing platform.
Microsoft announces the end of Skype era on May 5, directing users to Teams for a modern communication experience.
Microsoft says it will wind down the pioneering and once ubiquitous free video calling service so it can streamline its ...
Microsoft is pivoting to support Teams instead. Microsoft 365 head Jeff Teper encouraged Skype users to migrate their Skype ...
Microsoft announced the and of an era with the announcement of Skype’s imminent shutdown. Find out the reason behind the ...