This is the kind of computer that can’t be reviewed in a matter of days, so we’re just getting started.
Lightning was initially a superior alternative to Micro-USB and its own 30-pin connectors. A few years later, though, Apple found itself clinging to Lightning despite the obvious technical superiority ...
The striking red color was like nothing else in Apple's lineup, and that alone was enough to attract people to Apple's (PRODUCT)RED line. From iPhones to Apple Watch bands, Red products always ...
Apple's lineup of (PRODUCT)RED products continues to shrink. In fact, there are no longer any devices available in the charity-supporting color option. Since 2006, Apple has partnered with the ...
The tinyPod is a case for your Apple Watch that makes it look like a mini version of the classic ... holding it also feels just like holding an iPod Nano, except this one has a touchscreen.
I personally loved the nano's look and design, but it replaced the iPod mini, the most popular iPod of all time (thus far). The iPod mini was bright and colorful, available in pink and blue and green.