Because a couple of your friends made the ask, as opposed to one, it’s a good idea to talk about it one-on-one outside of the ...
Dear Eric: I don’t know if this is an issue with others, or if I’m just over-sensitive. My partner and I have several pets ...
What’s an appropriate response? Should I get angry? Should I question her motives? Should I be supportive to her? Should I ...
Dear Eric: I don’t know if this is an issue with others, or if I’m just over-sensitive. My partner and I have several pets ...
Letter writer feels bad for rejecting day-of plus one requests to chosen family Christmas dinner.
I belong to a small book club that now comprises six older women. All of us have been with the group for more than 30 years.
Dear Mom: A primary care physician is a great, and confidential, place to start. Additionally, I love the suggestion of ...
Book club member’s loud and unyielding tone ruins the group for other members.
Dear Eric: Yesterday I was riding my bicycle to the Newport Beach City Hall to get a new parking pass for my car. I was ...
Send questions to R. Eric Thomas at [email protected] or P.O. Box 22474, Philadelphia, PA 19110. Follow him on Instagram ...
In a few weeks, my sons, 22 and 20, will be coming for a visit. Both have stated that they do not wish to renew their rental ...
It would be wise of your sister to talk with her son about getting a job, paying rent to her, and discussing with him his ...