Sixty-six million years ago, a marine creature, minding its own business at the bottom of a Cretaceous sea, munched on some ...
The lump of vomit —more scientifically referred to as ‘regurgitate’—was discovered by Peter Bennicke as he walked along the ...
Paleontologists in Denmark found a once-gloopy, now-hardened mess that they believe was spat up by a Cretaceous-era fish.
Self-proclaimed "fossil geek" Peter Bennicke was recently searching a beach at the Cliffs of Stevns in eastern Denmark when ...
For more than 40 years, an area of Cretaceous rock exposures in northwest Montana, often called “Egg Mountain,” has been the site of exciting fossil discoveries, including ones by paleontologists from ...
A 66-million-year-old fossilized vomit discovery in Denmark offers a rare glimpse into the prehistoric Cretaceous food chain.
What’s 66-million-year-old vomit like? A lot more pleasant than the fresh stuff, says paleontologist Jesper Milan.
A puncture in the fossilized neck of a winged reptile that flew with the dinosaurs suggests the creature became a feast for a crocodile ancestor.
The event transports families through165 million years of the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods to roam among true-to ...
An amateur fossil hunter has uncovered a disgusting yet amazing find on a beach in Denmark – a piece of animal vomit dating back 66 million years.
Rebirth' trailer will debut during the Super Bowl, ensuring extensive exposure. The film, featuring Scarlett J ...
Energy could be sitting on an estimated 283m barrels of oil recoverable from its Canning prospect in Alaska, according to a ...