After the Spring Festival break, the world's largest small commodities market has reopened, buzzing with energy and optimism. With 75,000 shops and 2.1 million enterprises connected, Yiwu is driving ...
PARIS, Feb. 10 (Xinhua) -- The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Summit opened on Monday in Paris, focusing on global AI governance. "It is high time that we move from science fiction to the real ...
在影片的璀璨星空下,卡梅隆·迪亚兹的名字如同一颗耀眼的星星,时隔多年,她选择再次回归影坛。在新片《重返行动》(Back in Action)即将上映的时刻,迪亚兹的每一句话都充满了话题性与期待。近期,她在接受采访时表示,愿意再次出演经典喜剧《变相怪杰》的续作,只要金·凯瑞加入这个项目。此时,观众心中不禁产生一阵怀旧的涟漪,似乎又回到了那段无忧无虑的青春时代。
在结束了长达11年的隐居生活后,卡梅隆·迪亚兹带着新片《重返行动》(Back in Action)回归!近日,她接受《Access Hollywood》采访时透露,只要金·凯瑞参与,她愿意再次出演喜剧经典《变相怪杰》的续作。此前,金·凯瑞在接受采访时表示,他也愿意回归拍摄《变相怪杰》,只要项目的剧本足够出色。