Xiaomi EV announced on February 5 that the SU7 Ultra model has been available in 112 stores across 42 cities nationwide, with static showcases now open to the public.
近日,小米集团内部发生了一件令人啼笑皆非的小插曲。据小米集团董事长特别助理、战略市场部副总经理徐洁云透露,在去年的春晚现场,一款尚未面世的小米SU7车模在演出结束后不翼而飞,至今仍未找回。这款车模是专为春晚打造的工程版样品,造价高昂 ...
DeepSeek threatens to disrupt the AI sector in a similar fashion to the way Chinese companies have already upturned sectors such as EVs and mining.
The Xiaomi 14 Ultra was one of the best camera phones we've ever used. Here's how the follow up might retain that title. Andrew is CNET's go-to guy for product coverage and lead photographer for ...
通报指出,2024年8月13日,某平台博主“原来是翔翔啊”发布了一段名为《当小米SU7撞上一辆极氪007》的测试视频。该视频声称对小米SU7与某品牌汽车进行了碰撞测试,但测试方法及结论存在诸多严重谬误与偏颇,误导了公众,并在网络上造成了极为恶劣的影响 ...
Xiaomi’s all-electric sedan, the SU7, outsold Tesla’s Model 3 in China for the first time in December, with the two models recording sales of 25,815 and 21,046 units, respectively, according to ...
Xiaomi recently announced that the Xiaomi SU7 had surpassed the Tesla Model 3 in terms of vehicle deliveries in December 2024, thereby achieving a position among the top 5 in China's electric ...
IT之家1 月 22 日消息,小米汽车今日宣布,SU7 智能双表盘小年彩蛋表情现已上线,用户可以通过喊“小爱同学放烟花”,让相应表盘放烟花。 据悉,相关智能双表盘固件需要在 1.0.2-0043 版本及以上(用户可以在中控屏 >> 智能设备应用 >> 设备更新中,进行固件 ...
近期,小米汽车为SU7车型推出了一款引人注目的新车漆——璀璨洋红,这款特别版车漆自本月早些时候发布以来,便在网络上引发了广泛讨论。近日,网络上首次曝光了装配了该车漆的实际车辆图片。 从曝光的图片来看,璀璨洋红的小米SU7确实别具一格。