The Alien franchise normally features humans fighting the xenomorphs in space. In Alien: Earth, the extraterrestrial creatures are bringing the battle to Earth. The official teaser trailer for ...
"Alien: Earth" is bringing the xenomorphs somewhere they've never been before: Television. The FX TV series developed by Noah Hawley, who created fan-favorite shows including "Legion" and "Fargo ...
During Sunday night’s AFC Championship game, the above teaser shows what will lead to a Xenomorph touchdown, thereby sparking the Noah Hawley series. The teaser’s tagline, “Destination ...
Earth was in Xenomorph-related trouble long before the Nostromo’s trip to LV-426. Here’s the latest teaser for ‘Alien: Earth’, the FX show coming this summer. As we prepare to venture into ...
The network also released a new art title "Xeno Dome" which refers to the large, dome-shaped head of the Xenomorph creature, further confirming the creature in the trailer to be a Xenomorph. According ...
Alien enthusiasts, brace yourselves. The latest chapter in the beloved franchise, Alien: Earth, is shaping up to be a chilling dive into the unknown—this time bringing the Xenomorph menace to our home ...
The poster unveils a new breed of Xenomorph along with an ominous tagline: "We were safer in space"- a clear nod to the iconic words that leapt from the taser poster for Ridley Scotts original ...
The newest teaser was released on Sunday evening, and it shows a manic xenomorph trying to escape a ship as it crashes to the planet we call home. You can check out the full teaser in the video below!