RUSSELL David’s strong attack on “wokeness” (Fans’ Forum, March 2), according to his definition, is both inaccurate and insulting to […] ...
But wokeness is about waking up to the social injustices of the world – so how did the phrase lose its original meaning? Diyora Shadijanova investigates. It’s a frustrating fact of life that ...
The Problem with Executing Spies Elon Musk Is an Essential Trump Employee Last month, National Review played host to a lively discourse on the meaning of “wokeness.” In response to the ...
A Filipino equivalent is “mulat,” meaning an awakened consciousness of underlying biases and hidden power structures—especially those concealed within language itself. Because wokeness ...
Once a call for racial awareness, ‘woke’ has transformed into a highly charged political term. Initially rooted in Black activism, it gained traction in progressive circles before being co-opted as a ...