Woke ideology and political policies have been a target of President Trump since the campaign but what are they and how has he tried to end them?
RUSSELL David’s strong attack on “wokeness” (Fans’ Forum, March 2), according to his definition, is both inaccurate and insulting to […] ...
But wokeness is about waking up to the social injustices of the world – so how did the phrase lose its original meaning? Diyora Shadijanova investigates. It’s a frustrating fact of life that ...
The Problem with Executing Spies Elon Musk Is an Essential Trump Employee Last month, National Review played host to a lively discourse on the meaning of “wokeness.” In response to the ...
A Filipino equivalent is “mulat,” meaning an awakened consciousness of underlying biases and hidden power structures—especially those concealed within language itself. Because wokeness ...
Once a call for racial awareness, ‘woke’ has transformed into a highly charged political term. Initially rooted in Black activism, it gained traction in progressive circles before being co-opted as a ...