Growing onions from seed takes a bit more planning than planting onion sets, but it has a lot of perks. Not only are onion ...
Discover tips for early spring planting, including seed sowing and transplanting advice to ensure a successful garden season.
We winter sow, of course! Winter sowing is precisely what its name suggests: sowing seeds during the winter months. Technically, any seed dispersal after late fall can be considered winter sowing.
It might not feel like gardening season is knocking just yet, but experienced gardeners know better: late winter is prime ...
Winter sowing is not the same as greenhouse or hotbed sowing. Both of those methods are intended to provide a modified environment by using some form of heat, thereby causing seeds to germinate ...
Spread seeds on the soil surface and tamp them in, but do not cover them with soil. Plants tolerate wet soil, but wither in the face of drought. Sowing cool-season vegetables helps scratch the winter ...
Winter sowing is a fun and easy way to start seeds outside during the winter. Plant your seeds in plastic containers, the plastic container acts like a mini greenhouse. Then put the plastic container ...
What if we do as nature does, self-sowing seeds directly into and onto living soil well after gardening season, then letting the cold, damp and icy winter have her way with them? As a permaculture ...
In our area and latitude, late January to early February is the ideal time to start sowing seeds indoors for onion transplants. There are several advantages to growing your own onion transplants ...
In areas that experience freezing cold winters, some seeds that need a chilling period will perform well when planted outside in January or February. This method — what's known as winter sowing — ...