On January 11, 1787, the English astronomer Sir William Herschel discovered two moons at Uranus! Oberon and Titania were the first two Uranian moons ever discovered.
CAROLINE HERSCHEL: Are they recording? William, press record will you? WILLIAM HERSCHEL: We are rolling, Caz, chill out. CAROLINE HERSCHEL: Oh hello SciTubers! I am Caroline Herschel and this ...
Scientists noticed the galactic crash through Stephan’s Quintet using the William Herschel Telescope Enhanced Area Velocity Explorer (WEAVE) wide-field spectrograph in La Palma, Spain.
Everybody Loves a Cluster with a Nebula This is NGC 2264, the Cone Nebula, and the Christmas Tree Cluster. The bright stars ...
Straight south in the early evening is the familiar constellation Orion. Above Orion, to the northeast, the constellation ...
The Cone Nebula is a massive pillar of gas and dust located in the Monoceros constellation, within a region where stars are actively forming. The image, taken by the European Space Observatory's ...