A few weeks ago, a friend from Loudonville asked what my favorite early flowering plant was? Answering that question is like answering the question, “Who is my favorite child?” Honestly, I love all ...
Turkish Navy shadows Greek research vessel near Crete for the second time in ten days, raising concerns about maritime activities in the region. Athens, Greece – In a historic move, Greek lawmakers ...
I tried to tell them exactly what they needed to do, and what mistakes they were making – and my words fell on stony ground. They fell on stony ground? Maybe your ideas weren't that good ...
The Worcester factory was founded at Warmstry House in 1751 by a deed of partnership with 15 members. The period from foundation to 1783, when it was acquired by Thomas Flight, is known as the First ...
Grounding is an alternative practice known by many as earthing. The term "earthing" was first coined in the 1990s by Clint Ober, a cable TV salesman from Billings, Montana, based on the principles of ...