15 天
知乎 on MSN如果微软没有放弃 Visual Basic,它能否替代 Python?请各位同学抓紧手机和手纸,调整好姿势,讲故事时间到啦! 1990 年的时候,如果你想编写一个 Windows 程序,最主流的方法是直接使用原始 Win32 API。 等等!我为什么非要编写一个 Windows 程序呢? 因为这时候恰好处于一个神奇的过渡时期 ------ 微机(Microcomputers)正式在商业世界中占据主导地位,而 Windows ...
A version of the BASIC programming language from Microsoft specialized for developing Windows applications. When first released in 1991, it was similar to Microsoft's QuickBASIC. With its visual ...
Visual Basic 6 (VB6), introduced in 1998, was a major step forward in programming, particularly for Windows applications. While it has since been succeeded by Visual Basic for Applications (VBA ...
Add or Remove Programs entry for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise Edition. Microsoft Visual Basic is a computer language developed to enable the creation of Windows applications.