It is not that postmodernism subscribes to the view that whatever is, is sacrosanct: quite the reverse, in fact, in the case of Rorty and Lyotard, who prize innovation for its own sake. It does, ...
Editorial Introduction: Postmodernism's SF/SF's Postmodernism. Are we late? Are we early? Can it be we're on time? Linking postmodernism and SF is hardly a new thing; many of SF's most sophisticated ...
Alan Kirby says postmodernism is dead and buried. In its place comes a new paradigm of authority and knowledge formed under the pressure of new technologies and contemporary social forces. I have in ...
From the late 1980s onwards, novelists, artists, critics and art historians have foreseen the death of postmodernism. Linda Hutcheon, in the second edition of The Politics of Postmodernism (2002), ...
The starting point for this article is a piece of writing by Jane Flax. Although she engages primarily with issues of feminist philosophy and postmodernism, she deals too with problems which give rise ...
Showing Christ to be relevant in a largely postmodern, secular society has its share of conundrums. I have a deep conviction that Jesus is the answer to the question of life, of what it's all about ...
Punchy colors, artful references, and playful patterns converge in the whimsical look of postmodern. Rules are meant to be broken in this maximal mash-up of color and pattern. Inspired by the work ...
The twentieth century gave rise to a cultural period that would later be called the age of postmodernism. In contrast to the eras that came before — most notably, the Enlightenment ...