Plastic is a cheap and durable material that has been adapted and applied in innumerable ways. Vast amounts of plastic has been produced in recent decades, | Microbiology ...
Microplastics may be contributing to the spread of dangerous antibiotic resistant superbugs, according to a new study.
过去,人们虽然知道遗传、环境和免疫因素在 UC 发病中起作用,但对肠道微生物及其代谢产物的具体影响却了解有限。尤其是肠道微生物产生的琥珀酸,它在 UC 发病过程中到底扮演着什么角色,一直是个谜。而且,Th9 细胞在 UC 中的作用也有待深入研究。为了揭开这些谜团,来自印度转化健康科学与技术研究所(Translational Health Science and Technology ...