Water is complex. So are the terms used to describe it. Get to know the language as Texas debates how to save its water ...
I know what to make." Expert gardener shares ancient watering technique to save time and money: 'Saves a lot of water' first ...
The cancer screening initiative comes weeks after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released its first round of soil ...
中国科学院遗传发育所农业资源研究中心沈彦俊研究团队首次系统揭示了松花江流域作物种植结构改变与气候变化对农业水资源供需平衡的深远影响。研究发现,2000~2020年松花江流域种植面积扩张81.1%,高耗水的水稻面积增长近200%,玉米面积增长174.8%,大豆增长83.8%,导致作物需水从211亿立方米增至804亿立方米。灌溉需水量峰值出现在2007年,达205亿立方米。尽管2010年以来作物生长季 ...
Rawley, despite being a first-year orchard manager, wound up with all the right answers that season, thanks to a water ...
In a partnership with Councilmember Plummer’s office, a nonprofit organization has launched efforts to catch cancer early in ...
Humic acid plays a crucial role in soil health and plant nutrition. As a key component of organic matter, it enhances soil ...
There is only one legal way to steal water: Make sure the rain that falls on your land soaks in and never leaves.
As the Treasure Valley grows, so does our water demand, and projections show we could start running out of water in the next ...
Calling it the "biggest deregulatory action in U.S. history," the Environmental Protection Agency rolled out sweeping moves Wednesday aimed at walking back environmental protections and eliminating a ...