最近,可口可乐在欧洲遇到了一点小麻烦。美国可口可乐公司的欧洲装瓶部门宣布,由于在产品中检测出氯酸盐含量过高,可能会对消费者健康构成潜在风险,因此决定在欧洲多个市场召回多款饮料。这次受影响的产品名单里,我们熟悉的老朋友——可口可乐、芬达、美汁源、雪碧等 ...
In the ancient times, humans lived a peaceful and quiet life. One day, a prophecy was given by the gods, marking the beginning of the pandemonium. “In hundreds of thousands of years, humans will prosp ...
Ever since the ancient days, autumn has been the time for lamentation of the loneliness and sadness. Nevertheless, I say that autumn is better than spring. In the clear sky,a crane soars up through ...
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...