The Vietnam War was not the United States' bloodiest or most costly conflict, but its effects were deep and long-lasting. Its unpopularity polarized the country; its cost made it difficult to ...
The VIETNAM WAR, an undeclared war in Southeast Asia in which the U.S. was engaged from 5 Aug. 1964 until signing a peace agreement in Jan. 1973, affected Clevelanders much as it did other Americans.
I recently had the opportunity to view an early screening of Vietnam: The War that Changed America, a six-episode documentary scheduled for release on Apple TV+ on January 31 st, 2025. I was nine ...
In 1968, with mounting criticism of the Vietnam War at home and abroad, President Johnson announced that he would stop the bombing of North Vietnam and that he would not run for re-election the ...
U.S.A.I.D. Fifty years after the Vietnam War ended, President Trump’s gutting of foreign aid has halted American efforts to address a toxic legacy and build a strategic partnership. Nguyen Thi ...
More than forty years after its conclusion, the Vietnam War is a persistent wound on the American psyche. It is a war that divided families and communities, and sparked massive protests on college ...
Firsthand accounts of the Vietnam War from over 60 eyewitnesses, including both participants and citizens. Also includes archival footage, providing an examination of the war from a different angle.
He started off by honoring the wives of the Vietnam veterans. “You are a very special group of ladies,” Livingston said. He then went on to talk about his time during the war and encouraged ...
Heroes Hall supervisor Johanna Svensson said “Echoes of Conflict” coincides with the 50-year commemoration of the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, which marked the end of the war in Vietnam.