You've heard massaging it can relieve stress—now experts have found the 27 million U.S. autoimmune sufferers could find therapy here, too.
ROCKAWAY, N.J. - electroCore, Inc. (NASDAQ:ECOR), a bioelectronic medicine company with a market capitalization of approximately $105 million, has been granted two new patents by the United States ...
Core Granted Two New U.S. PatentsROCKAWAY, N.J., Feb. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- electroCore, Inc. (Nasdaq: ECOR), a commercial-stage bioelectronic medicine and wellness company, today announced ...
Stress is one of the common culprits of various health challenges including neck and upper back pain However to relieve stress and its associated physical symptoms it is important to understand the li ...
The next big advance in treating diseases like rheumatoid arthritis could be tiny pulses of electricity delivered to the ...
Sales of this £240 stress-busting device have rocketed thanks to a new Netflix documentary about a notorious biohacker.
Somatic workouts regulate this stress response by stimulating the vagus nerve, the longest cranial nerve in the body that travels down through the face, neck, lungs, heart, diaphragm, abdomen and ...
Truvaga Thank u, necks! Pressing a $269 electrical device against the vagus nerve in your neck may be the secret to good vibes and stellar sleep. Implantable vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) devices, ...
Dr Ali Ali, consultant physician in geriatrics and stroke at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, says the non-invasive treatment stimulates the vagus nerve, which runs from the brain through the neck to the ...
Pinched nerves are uncomfortable, no matter where they happen in the body. A pinched nerve in the neck, though, can be downright excruciating. Most everyday movements require you to move your neck ...
"Further pathological processes within the vagus nerve are known to occur with certain neuroinflammatory disorders such as long COVID and certain types of Parkinson's disease." Many different ...
If experiencing the tension-melting benefits of massage regularly (and without ever leaving your home) sounds appealing to you, it might be time to consider investing in one of the best neck ...