Fastfetch gathers information about your computer's operating system, software, and hardware, and then displays it in an easy ...
蛇年第一场寒潮仍在持续南下,给我国多地带来大幅降温与大风天气。中国气象局气象分析师介绍: 受寒潮影响,上海、杭州、南昌、贵阳、福州等城市,今天将体验今冬以来最冷的白天; 寒潮南下以后,华北地区的风力将会减弱; 之所以出现如此强的大风,一是由于在地面冷空气导致的气压梯度大,水平流动很强。二是在高空中,目前有一个冷窝,风力本身就很强劲。白天地面加热会导致地面的气团上升,导致高空大风随之下传。
Pocket Casts is the world's most powerful podcast player. It's a great app to discover and listen to your favorite podcasts. Many blogs have deemed Pocket Casts the best podcatcher around. This ...
Developer Philip Rebohle has released DXVK version 2.5.3 bringing more improvements for this tool that translates Direct3D 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 to Vulkan. DXVK is included ...