They are pulling it out from her stomach.... usually you get [tapeworms] from eating undercooked meat. '[They think] a tapeworm could help them lose weight, but that is not something I would ...
This study, published in Geology on March 22, provides evidence not only of the first partial body fossil of a tapeworm but also, arguably, the most convincing body fossil of a flatworm ...
The gross-out factor is strong. Among the museum's selection of parasites is an 8.8-meter-long tapeworm recovered intact from a hapless diner’s intestine. Toshiaki Kuramochi, the museum director ...
Parasitologists in China have discovered one of the world’s earliest tapeworm fossils, and might have their hands on the only ...
They sliced into it and found a baby tapeworm. “Of course I was grossed out,” said 42-year-old Palma on Thursday. “I was also relieved. It meant that no further treatment was necessary.” ...
Tapeworms are a group of parasites that depend on humans for growth and cause intestinal infection in them. Tapeworm symptoms and signs include stomach pain, loss of appetite, weight loss.