Joel Sachs, University of California, Riverside Nyholm and other biologists refer to the light organ as a “symbiotic organ” for its specialized role in housing and talking with the squid’s luminescent ...
They thrive on the abundant biopolymer lignocellulose, depending upon a phy-logenetically diverse community of hindgut microbes including Bacteria, Archaea, and unicellular amitochondriate Eukarya for ...
When different species work together for their mutual benefit, it is called symbiosis (or mutualism) — a process that is essential for the health of ecosystems. This is a cluster of Candida albicans ...
Insect symbiosis refers to the close and often long-term interactions between insects and microorganisms, particularly bacteria. These relationships can be mutualistic, where both the insect and ...
For example, pectinases are enzymes that break down pectins – indigestible dietary fibers for humans, but metabolized by many bacteria. Approximately half of the species of leaf beetles live in close ...
Rhizobial symbiosis refers to the mutually beneficial relationship that forms between plants and soil bacteria that fix nitrogen, termed rhizobia. Nuclear calcium oscillations initiate plant ...