Jan. 28, 2025 — A team of stem cell scientists have successfully used embryonic stem cell engineering to create a bi-paternal mouse -- a mouse with two male parents -- that lived until adulthood.
TSCM cells are a special type of T cells that help the human immune system remember past infections or diseases and quickly turn into active fighter cells when the body needs them. Several preclinical ...
The Oregon Stem Cell Center conducts basic and applied research in the field of Stem Cell Biology with the long term goal to harness the properties of stem cells for regenerative medicine and cell ...
Stem cell therapies are a type of cell therapy in which the cells used are either stem cells (as in the case of bone marrow transplantation) or are derived from stem cells, as is this case with ...
The Breez 2 mL micro-bioreactor platform is a fully automated, functionally closed, and continuous perfusion cell culture system. By incorporating Breez into its process development, Celonic aims ...
Mar. 10, 2025 — Feral cats have long been suspects in killing native species reintroduced into Australian conservation areas. DNA testing of the carcasses puts ...
CL1 is the name of the first commercially marketed computer in which human brain cells calculate. The price is low, as is the ...
The UK is fast-tracking lab-grown meat & dairy approval. Could these high-tech foods be on supermarket shelves in just two years?
British consumers could see lab-made meat and dairy on sale within two years, as the Food Standards Agency (FSA) is seeking ...
The BioXplorer 100 from H.E.L is a multi-bioreactor system that has been specifically developed for the optimization of aerobic fermentations. Having a working volume as low as 50 mL, the ...