You could be asked questions about the apparatus, methods, safety precautions, results, analysis and evaluation of these experiments. There is one core practical activity in the 'States of matter ...
More complex structured questions will be worth three or four marks. They include questions with complex descriptions and explanations, questions in which you need to compare and contrast two ...
In this lab, you will fill out a foldable on the three primary states of matter. Then you will watch a video showing ice melting from a solid to a liquid and boiling from a liquid to a gas. After ...
This basic model is, however, just that: there are many, many more states of matter out there that it doesn’t capture. The next most familiar is plasma, which is much like a gas except here many ...
In this interactive, adjust the temperature and pressure of three common substances and watch them morph into different states of matter. Along the way, you'll see just how inextricably ...