2月5日晚间,名创优品集团公众号发布《叶国富:让简单成为我们的灵魂》推文。文章中,名创优品创始人叶国富提出与组织管理相关的六大要求,以提升管理效率,达到战略聚焦的目的。 文中所提及的具体要求包括:严禁一切形式主义;内部沟通严禁使用 PPT;内外部会议以30分钟为宜,最长不超过1小时;汇报资料不超过3页;内部任何决策,参与决策者不得超过3人等,这些都引发行业关注与热议。 叶国富曾提出向2028年50 ...
(原标题:名创优品创始人叶国富“整顿职场”:内部沟通禁用PPT,开会不得超1小时) 蛇年开工第一天,名创优品创始人叶国富决定严抓内部效率。 2月5日晚间,名创优品集团公众号发布《叶国富:让简单成为我们的灵魂》推文。 叶国富在文中表示,唯有简单,才能高效;唯有心无杂念,业务才能打透打穿、直击目标,才能应对当前局面。“我们的文化价值观始终将‘简单’置于首位。”“简单是一切价值观的灵魂,也是我们的致胜法 ...
Raise shields, red alert — we’re going to try and put all the Star Trek movies in order. And we do mean try. When they were focused on the Original Series era, the Star Trek movies were so ...
To redeem the Star code in your web browser, you will need to visit the Robux/ Premium purchase website. After opening the website, follow the steps below: Unfortunately, if you are using the mobile ...
The prime minister was grilled by the leader of the opposition after his chancellor delivered a major speech on growth.
In addition to the anxiety of the presentation, Anna also revealed that she struggled to walk in her heels on the red carpet. "I felt like I was learning how to walk for the first time," she joked ...
The Honolulu Star-Advertiser / StarAdvertiser.com is located at Restaurant Row, 2 Waterfront Plaza, Suite 200, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96813.
Bring the universe into your home with these star projectors. We've tested the best, from eye-catching wonders to scientifically accurate home planetariums. There are so many star projectors out ...
At Star Wars Celebration 2023, the first teaser for Andor season 2 was exclusively screened for those in attendance. It features more blasters, explosions, and subterfuge.
Roblox Star codes were first introduced in April 2019. The primary purpose of these codes was to support those in the Roblox Video Stars Program (a program consisting of video celebrities recognized ...
传统企业像金字塔:老板在塔尖发号施令,中层分解任务,基层重复执行。优点是稳定可控,但在AI时代正暴露出致命伤。某互联网大厂AI实验室负责人就曾跟我说:“大公司开会决策要2个月,而AI产品的迭代周期只有2周。” ...