Music publishers are asking Spotify to remove thousands of unlicensed songs from podcasts on its platform, a massive takedown ...
Spotify reported solid Q4 and full-year 2024 earnings, with the streamer turning in its first annual net profit since it was ...
在当今这个数字化的时代,流媒体音乐已经成为了人们日常生活的一部分。而就在这个广受欢迎的市场中,Apple Music和Spotify两大平台之间的收益差异引发了广泛关注。根据最新发布的一份金融报告,数据显示,Apple Music支付给艺术家的费用几乎是Spotify的两倍,这一令人震惊的结果不仅让许多人瞠目结舌,也引发了对整个行业收入分配模式的深刻反思。
My Spotify liked-songs playlist is not exactly listenable on shuffle; there are simply too many genres and moods in there.
The National Music Publishers’ Assn. has launched takedowns against Spotify for the unlicensed use of music in podcasts.
Shares have risen considerably since the company executed cost-cutting measures and shifted away from its beleaguered ...
全球最大音乐公司环球音乐集团(Universal Music Group)与流媒体巨头Spotify 27日宣布完成一项多年期的直接协议,这份协议将影响录音与发行版税的费率。 法新社报道,这份联合声明并未透露协议的金额或具体期限细节,但表示环球音乐集团与Spotify将“密切合作,推动流媒体创新的新时代”。
Audio streaming company Spotify said Tuesday that it paid $10 billion to the music industry last year. The company added that ...
The figure brings the music streaming giant's total contribution since its founding in 2006 to nearly $60 billion ...