An object eight times the mass of Jupiter may have swooped around the sun, coming superclose to Mars' present-day orbit ...
Simpson and Chen ran mathematical models looking at how differently sized Earth-like worlds would have affected the rest of ...
Long ago, a planetary object eight times the mass of Jupiter may have once visited the solar system and altered […] The post ...
Ever since Isaac Newton famously talked about gravity, its dominance as a force in our solar system has been well known. It's ...
When you first learned about the Solar System, you probably saw diagrams that made it look orderly, with planets arranged in ...
The research, yet to be peer-reviewed, sheds light on what could have changed the orbits of several planets in the solar ...
Further simulations on flybys into the inner Solar System revealed one of our own planets might be flung out of the ballpark ...
Scientists studying samples that NASA collected from the asteroid Bennu found a wide assortment of organic molecules that ...
The eight planets in our solar system orbit the sun in roughly the same plane, because they all originally formed from the same disc of debris around the sun. The line the sun traces across the ...
When astronomers found a large world farther out than Pluto, it became one of the final nails in the coffin of our ninth ...
An asteroid that orbited near Earth for a few months as a mini-moon may be a chunk of the moon that was blasted off by an ...