While pesticide companies claim their products are needed to feed the world’s growing ... To protect the long-term health of the soil that feeds us, the EPA must include assessing harm to soil ...
Episode 3In this episode hear:soil scientist Dr Susan Orgil explain the science of soil healthhow the microbial and chemical ...
The soil fungus Mortierella alpina has the potential ... These surface-active natural products are called malpinins and act as natural detergents. "Earlier studies had already shown that the ...
What’s more, the EPA gravely underestimates the risk of pesticides to soil health by using a species that spends its ... “Pesticide companies are continually trying to greenwash their products, ...
Kevin Auch’s dedication to soil conservation in southern Alberta was recognized recently with the Orville Yanke Achievement Award, presented at the Farming Smarter Conference and Trade Show in ...
David Rau, sales rep for AgXplore, said nitrogen is expensive this year, so they help growers navigate how much they need and in which fields to maximize soil health. “One thing we pride ...
People living along the border between Finland and Russia are yielding valuable data that could shed light on people’s relationship with nature—particularly when it comes to the link between ...
Now, demand has increased so almost all of the family’s wool clip is used in production of the garden products ... about wool and how it can help soil health, the more it grows.
Science-based decision making related to sustainable natural resource use, agricultural productivity, and human health requires accurate, spatially and temporally resolved measurements of soil and ...