Either way, this slogan doesn’t seem like a very smart way to live your life. You could never plan for your future, never enjoy the pleasure of anticipation, and after a few days of doing ...
However, one small fringe party isn’t afraid to pick a fight. In the heart of Berlin, Gernot Wolfer, a representative of the ...
Communicating the new slogans can be expensive too; Ford has budgeted $40 million for the corporate advertising campaign that will roll out its new slogan, "Better ideas. Driven by you." ...
He's looking for clever draft-related slogan ideas that are 24 to 28 letters long. Suggestions can be emailed to him at ...
He's looking for clever draft-related slogan ideas that are 24 to 28 letters long. Suggestions can be emailed to him at [email protected] by April 1. The prize for the winning slogan ...
"Tune In, Hook Up" was initially the slogan for YouTube when it was conceptualized as a video-dating website 20 years ago in February. The founders aimed to create a platform where individuals ...