The number of Scottish Terrier puppies born hit the lowest on record last year, according to the Kennel Club. A total of 387 ...
A number of additional iconic British breeds have also had a worrying start to the year, with the Airedale Terrier added to ...
The number of Scottish Terriers, or 'Scotties,' are dwindling amid calls to save the beloved pooch from extinction ...
The Scottish Terrier is one of the most distinctive dog breeds in the entire world. During the 1930s and 1940s, Scottish Terriers, or 'Scotties', popped up all over popular culture, from jewellery ...
The Smooth Fox Terrier, a historic British breed, and known to many as the iconic HMV mascot is facing an uncertain future ...
The Smooth Fox Terrier, a historic British breed, and known to many as the iconic HMV mascot is facing an uncertain future after recording ...