PUDUCHERRY: In a shocking incident at a private school under Reddiarpalayam police station limits, a Class XI student stabbed his classmate during an argument for maligning him over social media.
Centennial High School's top-ranked Boy's Basketball team was forced to forfeit 18 games this week in a ruling by the NIAA after an investigation found that a player on the Bulldogs was ineligible.
A school bus blaze sent up a huge plume of smoke in downtown . We're waiting for the fire department to answer our questions about what happened, but our Frankie McLister spoke with Minnesotans who ...
Many educators and families were thrilled to get back to some routines as a handful of schools reopened after weeks of closures. Others were worried about remaining dangers in fire-hit areas.
Student-athletes at Virginia’s Annandale High held their final 45-minute session to help Braddock Elementary kids with reading comprehension and vocabulary.