Galaxy S21 series is getting downgraded

Samsung's execs and designers spin a wheel and decide which Galaxy S phone they should focus on. The others get minor ...
在手机产业速变的潮流中,更新频率直接影响用户体验和手机的使用寿命。近日,来自IT之家消息称,三星 Galaxy S21 系列手机的更新节奏放缓,从之前的每月更新调整为每季度一次。这一变动引发了消费者的广泛关注,尤其是在三星新发布的 Galaxy S25 系列承诺提供长达七年的更新支持的背景下。 三星 Galaxy S21 系列是该品牌在 2021 年推出的重要款式之一,标志着三星在高端市场的持续竞 ...
Time is running out for the Samsung Galaxy S21, with the brand behind the aging flagship slowing down the cadence of software ...