5/F, Baifu Times Business Building, 56# Huanghai 1 Road Subsea Vehicle technology is front and center in MTR, with a focus on increased levels of autonomy, reliability and flexibility.
United States Steel stock has dropped almost 25% in the last one year, compared to the S&P500 index which has gained 24% during the same time. U.S. Steel’s stock price movement is aligned to ...
IT之家 1 月 21 日消息,大连中远海运重工于 1 月 15 日发布博文,宣布其建造的 77000 吨多用途纸浆船“GREEN RIZHAO”轮正式命名交付,并获得中国船级 ...
IT之家1 月 21 日消息,大连中远海运重工于 1 月 15 日发布博文,宣布其建造的 77000 吨多用途纸浆船“GREEN RIZHAO”轮正式命名交付,并获得中国船级社颁发的碳中和评价证书,成为国内首艘实现建造阶段零碳排放的船舶。 “GREEN RIZHAO”轮的建造过程实现了零碳 ...
And he’s created his own business around these rocks. They’re a human-made byproduct of steel production called slag, which, just by lying here, can capture and store carbon. That’s where ...
LAUNCESTON, Australia, Jan 21 (Reuters) - There are two ways of looking at the 1.7% decline in China's steel output last year. The first is that it confirms that the world's largest producer of ...
Also the players wear one of the more iconic helmet in college football history. The stickers on Ohio State football helmets are Buckeye leaf stickers, and they serve as a tradition and a symbol ...
Both team's uniforms also one feature two of the more iconic, clean and classic helmets there are in college football, with Ohio State's classic silver sticker-adorned helmets clashing with Notre ...
TOKYO, Jan 20 (Reuters) - The hearing for a lawsuit that Nippon Steel and U.S. Steel brought against U.S. President Joe Biden's administration is scheduled for February and March, Kyodo news ...