A researcher has pieced together the final moments leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection. The new map - based on Bible scripture and archaeological evidence - recounts Christ's journey through ...
From chapters one to twelve the narrative crescendos to the climax of the Last Supper, the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus in Ch. 13-20. Chapter 21 is like an addendum or afterword in ...
Easter is fast approaching. Here's a look at why the date of Easter changes every year and what to know about the holiday.
All these unanswered questions mean that we are very primitive when compared to Jesus, if, as it says in the Bible, Jesus is ...
Wesley Hill’s small volume about Easter is a beautiful and useful invitation to be shocked anew by the central event of our faith.
The Gospel of John is a book in the Bible that tells the story of Jesus' life, teachings, miracles, death, and resurrection. The gift given to Rogan features the same text of the original document ...
He is Our Lord and Savior, the Almighty, The Alpha and the Omega. But according to scientists, Jesus Christ’s real name...is ...
Finally after the Resurrection, Thomas greets Jesus as "My Lord and my God ... Some may object to Christ's divinity and cite Bible verses pertaining to His humanity, e.g.: ...
First, the mission of Jesus. He is the Messiah whose coming was anticipated and prophesized throughout the Hebrew Bible, also ...
The miraculous tearing of that thick curtain has significant meaning since, upon His death and subsequent Resurrection, Jesus Christ was with God; He is God. But Jesus also desires to have a ...