LEWISBURG — Union County Elections Director Laura Seward is recommending an increase in the day pay rate of county poll workers. Seward presented the recommended increases during Tuesday’s county ...
The Moore County Board of Elections sat down on Wednesday afternoon to take a serious look at pay increases for poll workers and members of the board. During the last election, the county saw an ...
Hermitage resident Eric Schweiss is a 66-year-old poll worker who described working the polls as his duty to his community.
Styling for Democracy: Barbershops and salons can engage their communities by promoting poll worker opportunities. Work a Day - Donate Your Pay: Nonprofit groups are encouraged to work the polls on ...
A former Macon area poll worker pleaded guilty in federal court Friday to mailing a bomb threat to a local elections office and admitted lying about it to the FBI. Nicholas Wimbish, 25 ...
BEAUFORT COUNTY, S.C. (WTOC) - If you are interested in becoming a poll worker in Beaufort County, you now have a chance to learn the ins and outs. Elections officials are holding several training ...
The pay varies by county but is typically low. Most who serve think of it as community service. Jay Schneider, a Chester County resident who served as an appointed judge in his precinct for the 2024 ...
A former poll worker admitted to sending a false bomb threat to a Jones County polling location in federal court Friday morning. Nicholas Wimbish, 25, of Milledgeville, pleaded guilty to false ...