Good handling when loading pigs should harness instincts and keep stress down for both livestock and the farmer shipping them ...
Animal Rebellion Ireland and the National Animal Rights have launched more video investigations into pig farming, exposing "systemic abuse" in the industry.
The National Animal Rights Association (NARA) will publish shocking video footage captured at four Irish pig farms today ...
The video above shows pig hunts across Texas aimed at thinning the wild herd. ODESSA, Texas (KMID/KPEJ)- Earlier this week ...
A local government’s controversial plan to introduce China’s agricultural technology and construct a 'mega pig farming ...
Animal rights groups have handed in files to DAFM which they claim contain evidence of "systematic failures" in the pig industry.
National Pig Day celebrates the crucial role pigs play in our world, from their impact on the eco-system to agriculture.
Meet Pip Squeak, News 13’s Pet Adoption Option of the Week! This adorable guinea pig is available for adoption at the Bay ...
A guinea pig cage provides more than comfort for your little pet–it also functions as their entire world. Sometimes called ...
A pig, believed to have been abandoned for a year near a town just north of Edmonton, was rescued and found a happy ending.
Three piglets have vanished from a controversial Denmark art exhibit in which they were deprived of food and water as a form ...
It comes after the National Animal Rights Association (NARA) and Animal Rebellion Ireland (ARI) held a press conference on Wednesday regarding pig welfare on Irish pig enterprises.