Massage your legs with a muscle-relaxing essential oil, such as lavender oil, for immediate relief from period discomfort.
Natural drinks such as ginger tea, water, cinnamon tea, cherry juice, turmeric milk, and other drinks can help alleviate ...
Learn why your period hurts more than others and explore biological, medical, and lifestyle factors that influence menstrual ...
Almost 60% of women with Dysmenorrhea have Endometriosis, an illness that causes severe pain, damages reproductive organs, ...
When you’re experiencing cramps, muscle aches, and fatigue on your period, the last thing you want to be is dehydrated.
Heating pads can help ease back pain, period cramps, and more. Save 20% on an editor-favorite, the Pure Enrichment Heating ...
After being diagnosed with endometriosis and PCOS in her 20s, naturopath, nutritionist and scientist Madison Dohnt made it ...
Pexels The bound angle yoga pose is another helpful pose to deal with menstrual cramps. This pose also soothes the digestive ...
Many doctors claim that taking a calcium supplement, using a heating pad on your pelvic area, gently massaging your abdomen, ...
For some, menstruation is a life-giving gift — for others, it's sheer hell. For too long, women have been sitting in silent, ...