We have provided additional information to help guide your answers. There are also links to our five key questions and their corresponding quality statements, which are related to each PIR question.
In his book The Mathematical Universe, mathematician William Dunham wrote of John Venn’s namesake legacy, the Venn diagram, “No one in the long history of mathematics ever became better known ...
This important study offers insights into the function and connectivity patterns of a relatively unknown afferent input from the endopiriform to the CA1 subfield of the ventral hippocampus, suggesting ...
Sensors are devices that detect and quantify physical aspects of the world around us. The measurement can either be read directly or converted to a signal for processing by electrical, hydraulic ...
Most people will be excited for the FP300 — its latest presence sensor. Presence sensors are ... It uses a combination of mmWave and PIR sensors to accurately detect when a person is in the ...