Life's Crucial 9 (LC9), a recently proposed method for assessing cardiovascular health, has a strong negative correlation ...
Feeling the urge to urinate even after peeing? It may indicate an underlying health issue. Here are the top 5 possible causes ...
China: A recent study exploring the association between overactive bladder (OAB) and cognitive decline in elderly adults has ...
Overactive bladder (OAB) is typically not painful, but it can cause significant discomfort and a sudden, strong urge to urinate. OAB causes sudden, involuntary contractions of the bladder muscle ...
Overactive urinary bladder syndrome is a condition where a person feels a sudden, strong need to urinate, often needing to go to the bathroom frequently, including waking up at night to urinate.
BlueWind Medical, Ltd., a leader in implantable Tibial NeuroModulation (iTNM) and developer of the Revi® System, a ...
BlueWind Medical today announced two-year results from a study of its Revi implantable tibial neuromodulation (iTNM) system.
A groundbreaking device that functions like a pacemaker for the bladder is offering hope to those suffering from overactive bladder.