There are several frameworks that attempt to categorize types of learning and the cognitive complexity of activities, but these ultimately rely on the instructor to make choices. Overall, it is best ...
Outcome-Based Education (OBE) requires that the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment focus on student learning outcomes. This method of curricular design and teaching pre-fixes how students can ...
Teaching methods are the broader techniques used to help students achieve learning outcomes, while activities are the different ways of implementing these methods. Teaching methods help students: ...
Teaching and supervision practices include systematically providing students with versatile and constructive feedback on their learning and learning outcomes. Ability to use and develop learning ...
These outcomes can be gained through "general education" courses, but they come to fruition when manifested in depth in the disciplines. We encourage you to develop course and program learning ...
The new microcredential will help teachers learn how to teach synthetic phonics in a systematic and explicit way ...