为庆祝 Snoopy 75周年,Snoopy 75周年跑步嘉年华将于 2025年4月27日在西沙GO PARK 举行,是次活动将首次齐集 Snoopy、OLAF 和 Woodstock 于户外同大家一起挥洒汗水,粉丝们不容错过!当日将带来多项精彩的赛事及嘉年华活动,包括:3公里及6公里计时赛个人跑、1.5公里Snoopy ...
香港爱护动物协会(「爱协」)宣布一系列3月期间限定的优惠及活动,庆祝爱护动物协会赛马会百周年中心(青衣中心)正式开幕一周年。 由香港赛马会慈善信托基金捐助兴建的青衣中心楼高五层,面积达93,000平方尺,是爱协的动物福利计划以及教育外展工作的基地,特 ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Opposition Leader Friedrich Merz faced off in a final debate on German television on Wednesday ahead of elections next Sunday. During the debate the candidates ...
FUN!™ lineup of 2-part figures of Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and Puffy Coat Snoopy. Puffy Coat Snoopy is clearly having a moment these days. The look, which originally debuted in a 1984 strip ...
Based on more than a dozen interviews in the final weeks of the German election campaign, POLITICO tells the story of how violence and migration shaped one of the most momentous votes in the country’s ...
Four candidates are competing for the top chancellor job, incumbent Olaf Scholz of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), Friedrich Merz of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Robert Habeck of the ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
File image/ Reuters German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Sunday paid tribute to Russian opposition figurehead Alexei Navalny on the one-year anniversary of his death, saying he died “because he fought for ...
Image: Olaf Scholz's SPD party collapsed to the third largest party - with 16.4% of the vote. Pic: AP Meanwhile Christian Lindner - FDP party leader and former finance minister, whose dismissal by ...
The ripple effect that Germany’s election could spell across Britain, the US and EU German chancellor Olaf Scholz conceded defeat for his centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) after what he called ...