An American sailor said the Portuguese-flagged cargo ship ‘came out of the blue’ as it smashed into his oil tanker ...
The collision took place about 13 miles (20km) off the East Yorkshire coast, near Hull and Grimsby, in a busy shipping area.
The under-arrest captain of a cargo vessel that crashed into a US oil tanker off the East Yorkshire coast is a Russian ...
In the North Sea, a US-flagged oil tanker called the Stena Immaculate and the Solong - a container ship sailing under a ...
A port official said he was told the North Sea collision produced "a massive fireball" and the cargo ship's owner said one ...
An environmental group in the U.K. says the North Sea tanker collision could become a "disaster in really important protected ...
A missing sailor is presumed dead after Monday's North Sea crash involving a cargo ship and a tanker. Meanwhile, crew members ...
In January 2000, a spillage occurred in Romania, when waste containing sodium cyanide flowed into the River Tisza, a ...
The collision between the Stena Immaculate tanker and Solong container ship took place in the North Sea near Hull shortly ...
This is following a hydraulic oil spill, last week, resulting from the demolition of a former metal packaging facility. The location for the standing amounts of oil was located behind 10444 ...