Patty was sitting on her backyard deck and checking her LOTTO MAX ticket when she realized her left hand was itching.
Pelka 赶回家后,等到丈夫回来,再次确认彩票号码,的确是中了2000万加币。她激动地说道:“我们紧紧相拥,激动得流下了幸福的泪水。” 她表示,这笔巨额奖金将为家人带来财务自由,并让他们有机会追逐梦想。“我一直希望能有这样的一次幸运,没想到它真的发生了!”Pelka 激动地说。
安大略省彩票和博彩公司 (OLG)表示,周五的中奖彩票是在北约克的Willowdale地区售出的。玩家有一年的时间来领取任何奖金,如果未能在这段时间内领取,奖金将退还到总奖池中。
Using OLG data, we’ve mapped where in the province January’s winners of prizes of $50,000 or more are from on games such as ...
An Ontario lottery player's dreams came true after hitting the Lotto Max jackpot taking home a staggering $20 million prize.
头奖2500万元的Lotto Max彩票在多伦多售出,安省有人一夜间暴富2500万元,Lotto Max玩家可能需要赶快检查一下他们的彩票。 安大略省彩票和博彩公司(OLG)表示,周五的中奖彩票是在北约克的Willowdale地区售出的。玩家有一年的时间来领取任何奖金,如果未能在这段时间内领取,奖金将退还到总奖池中。 OLG表示,除了头奖之外,还有一个中奖的Encore奖在网上售出,价值10万元。
OLG 表示,自 2009 年以来,Lotto Max 玩家共赢得 89 亿元,其中包括 111 次头奖和 937 次 Maxmillions 奖金。
It was a life-changing Lotto Max draw for one Canadian lottery player who just became a brand-new multimillionaire.
A woman from Stoney Creek has won $20 million from the Lotto Max jackpot from the Dec. 20, 2024, draw according to an OLG ...
David Funston, 37, plans to use the winnings for a home down payment thanks to a lottery ticket purchased at Esso/Circle K on ...
A winning Lotto Max ticket for Friday night’s draw was sold in the Willowdale area, according to the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG). The jackpot winner has yet to claim their prize.
It’s bound to be a big surprise when Brampton retiree Maxima Jasa reveals to friends she has a $100,000 secret after a big ...