Choosing the best network structure for your organization can be a challenging task. A network structure is a way of organizing your business activities, resources, and relationships across ...
This project is a part of the published research work "The Impact of Physicality on Network Structure", done in the emerging field of Physical Networks, which aims to understand the properties of ...
I build a simple dynamic model of the formation of an international social network of importers and exporters. Firms can only export into markets in which they have a contact. They acquire new ...
New research aims to address this challenge by introducing the Poverty Space network and the Poverty Centrality measure. Using data from the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative/UNDP Global ...
Social network data is often prohibitively expensive to collect, limiting empirical network research. Typical economic network mapping requires (1) enumerating a census, (2) eliciting the names of all ...
Graph-based measures of cohesion and subgroups revealed variability in the personal network structure. Non-hierarchical clustering generated subgroups that were subsequently verified by respondents as ...
However, grid vulnerability is not only related to the topology of the grid but also to the operating state of the grid. Identifying key links in the grid, taking into account the network structure ...
Objectives We aimed to use network analysis to characterise the structure of the system of perioperative care for emergency surgical admissions in our tertiary care hospital. Design We constructed a ...
a temporal multimodal data fusion framework that integrates a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a multilayer encoder-decoder structure. The proposed network includes two key components: (1)a ...