Public domain via Wikimedia Commons When the New York Evening Mirror published Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Raven” on January 29, 1845, it catapulted both the work and its author to instant fame.
Vālmīki’s epic poem “The Rāmāyaṇa” is a great work of literature and a treasure of Indian culture — but its political and ...
Gianni Rodari used puns, topsy-turvyism and zany names to invent stories for children and help children invent their own.
One of the Sundance Film Festival’s greatest impacts has been as a prominent venue in the Western world to shine the light of ...
"All That We Ask of You Is To Always Be Happy," Durham poet Bridget Bell's debut collection, comes out on February 4.
Our editors and critics choose the most captivating, notable, brilliant, surprising, absorbing, weird, thought-provoking, and ...
Every Columbus Metropolitan Library Branch will hold special programs to celebrate Black History Month. Some of the events include: Black American Genealogy, Hip-Hop Dance with BHB, Underground ...
Edmond Dédé's 1887 magnum opus "Morgiane"—billed as "the most important opera never heard"—will finally get its premiere after languishing in obscurity for more than a century Eli Wizevich A ...
You googled "what is personification" and landed on this page. Whether you're asking because of a homework prompt or out of bibliophilic curiosity, you've come to the right place.
Premiering at Sundance, the 'Lemonade' director's film blends a fictional Afro-futurist narrative, archival research, ...
Bill Gates’s first memoir; new novels by Ali Smith, Anne Tyler and TJ Klune; a Booker Prize nominee and more.