在数据爆炸式增长的今天,在如何高效、安全地存储与管理海量数据的问题上,成为了行业共同关注的焦点。美光科技作为创新内存和存储解决方案的业界领导厂商,重视在科技上的投入,美光技术突破一直是行业关注的焦点。尤其最近在存储解决方案上,美光实现技术突破,成功推出速率能效领先的 6550 ION NVMe™SSD,标志着数据中心存储技术迈入了一个全新的阶段。
快科技1月26日消息,银昕推出ECM40扩展卡,这是一款PCIe 4.0 x16接口的SSD扩展卡,可支持四块NVMe M.2 SSD。 ECM40扩展卡的外观为黑色,运用了铝材质,整体尺寸为147.74mm(宽) x 21.59mm(高) x 181mm(深),单槽厚度,重量为501克。 其采用了TPS56221DQPT控制芯片,提供了四个M.2 SSD插槽,支持22 x 30 mm、22 x ...
Our previous pick, the WD Blue SN580 NVMe SSD, has just been supplanted by WD’s Blue SN5000. At just $75 for a 1TB model (at the time of writing), and with speedy transfers, you likely won’t ...
The price for large solid-state drives has plummeted in recent years, and even though they're still quite variable, it's still possible to get a really good NVMe SSD for relatively little money.
The discount applies to the 4TB variant of the drive (purchase link under the specs list below) thus making it the best time to pick the NVMe SSD up if you are looking to build a new PC or upgrade ...